45 ACP – 230 Grain TMJ – Speer Lawman Cleanfire – 160 Rounds
The 45 ACP – 230 Grain TMJ – Speer Lawman Cleanfire – 160 Rounds is a great choice for handgun ammo. This ammo is designed to offer excellent accuracy and consistency. The TMJ bullet is a full metal jacket with a lead core. It is a great choice for target shooting and plinking. The Speer Lawman Cleanfire primer is highly resistant to miss-fires. This ammo is new production, non-corrosive, and reloadable.
The .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) a handgun cartridge designed by John Browning in 1905, for use in his prototype Colt semi-automatic pistol. After successful military trials. The TMJ bullet is a full metal jacket with a lead core. It is a great choice for target shooting and plinking. The Speer Lawman Cleanfire primer is highly resistant to miss-fires. It adopted as the standard chambering for Colt’s M1911 pistol, named .45 ACP. It has remained as the standard chambering for M1911-style pistols, other than those chambered in .460 Rowland.
The .45 ACP cartridge has a semi-rimmed, straight case design. Based on the original .45 Auto Rim design, the .45 ACP case slightly modified to fully enclose the primer crimp. The result was a cartridge that could be reliably fed from a box magazine. The .45 ACP therefore well-suited for use in semi-automatic pistols.
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